How can I make my blog load faster?

How can I make my blog load faster?
Saturday, 23 January 2010
The speed at which your blog loads is critical to attracting more readers to your blog. If your blog takes a long time to load, many readers may leave your blog before they have the chance to read it. Here are a few tips and tricks that will help your blog load faster and attract more users:


Your blog's load time can be affected by the number of posts you display on your main page. You can easily edit the number of posts displayed of the main page from the Settings | Formatting tab. You can then select the number of posts you want to display on the main page. We recommend displaying 10 or fewer posts on the main page.

Third Party JavaScript and Links

For optimal blog load speed, we recommend using Google/Blogger widgets, JavaScipt and links. However, if you need to use third party JavaScipt and links, your blog will load much faster if you put all JavaScript at the bottom of your blog. If you have third party JavaScript and links in your sidebar, put them in at the bottom of the sidebar.

Images and Media

How can I make my blog load faster?

The speed at which your blog loads is critical to attracting more readers to your blog. If your blog takes a long time to load, many readers may leave your blog before they have the chance to read it. Here are a few tips and tricks that will help your blog load faster and attract more users:


Your blog's load time can be affected by the number of posts you display on your main page. You can easily edit the number of posts displayed of the main page from the Settings | Formatting tab. You can then select the number of posts you want to display on the main page. We recommend displaying 10 or fewer posts on the main page.

Third Party JavaScript and Links

For optimal blog load speed, we recommend using Google/Blogger widgets, JavaScipt and links. However, if you need to use third party JavaScipt and links, your blog will load much faster if you put all JavaScript at the bottom of your blog. If you have third party JavaScript and links in your sidebar, put them in at the bottom of the sidebar.

Images and Media

Learn even more ways Google products work together.
The more images, videos and other multi-media you have on your blog the longer it will take to load. However, images and other multimedia are important to attracting users to your blog, so it is important to optimize the load speed of your images and media. Here are a few tips to increase the load speed of your media:
  • Decrease the size of your images or use thumbnails that link to the full-size image.
  • If you use third party images, consider uploading them to Picasa Web Albums via the Blogger post editor.
  • If you have a large number of images to display, you can upload all your images (from a vacation or event) to a Picasa Web Album and link to the album in your post or sidebar.

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  1. makasih mas
    tapikok screenshootnya membingungkan malah ya

  2. @mas doyok : itu bisa di klik play aja klo kurang besar kan bisa di buka link ketempt lain heheh

  3. slidenya keren sob, tambah wawasan dah

  4. Please comment or add my link, because I have program to thousand comment in my blog

  5. tambah satu lagi pengetahuan di dunia blog...

  6. wow ... great posting friend ... thank's for ur sharing ... keep share n success for u

  7. rada2 bingung sobat but bagus sobat.....
    thank infonya

  8. benar, terlalu banak posting m\bikin berat...
    terlebih javascrip yang terlalu banyak..

  9. oke oke... gunakan blogspot widget kalo widget non blogspot taruh di bagian bawah

  10. thx neh kang infonya
    sangat berguna

  11. makasih ya tipsnya,. sedikit lebih tau jadinya saya

  12. baru pertama dan gak mau terakhir ... tetap jalin tali blogger ....bos banner kamu sudah tertempel di blog ku

  13. siap bang ..akan segera dilakukan.

  14. Jurus baru yang perlu dicoba tuh. Nice posting!
